Monday, July 22, 2013

Half way there - 1,006.5

Today I reached my half way goal of running 2,013 miles in 2013.  I knew I was close to this mark, but hadn't calculated in a few days so it happened mid run unbeknownst to me.   Ack, I would have stopped and at least picturized (totally not a word) the moment.  Now after calculating I know exactly where I was when I ran that 1,006.5 mile.

I was asked to drive a church van out to the church camp this morning.  The camp is way out in the boonies.  So I came up with the grand idea to run while I was out there.  Why, not?  I'm familiar with the roads & I know they are filled with long stretches of country, some twist & turns & definitely some hills. *cue dramatic music*  I used to hate hills with a passion & now I love them.  I may not love them per say in the moment as I'm working up them.  I've seen first hand where they've made a huge difference in my running so if you can't beat them, join them!!  Since I need to get a few more longer runs in I figured I had better take advantage of this opportunity.

As you can see, I didn't start until almost mid morning.  The temps are down a little bit (thank goodness), but the sun was hot & blazing.  There was very little shade along this route.  I did eat a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast about 2 hours prior, otherwise I had no fuel for this run.  I did take a my small handheld water bottle along & also dropped a water bottle a little more than 1 mile from my start/stop point.

I've been following a few bloggers where they use #nofuel on their runs.  Like upward of 15-18 miles with no fuel & even no water.  And they are speedy too.  Running negative splits, finishing with their rock hard abs & glowing faces.  Maaaan, I *hate* them.  Ok, not really.  Meh, who am I kidding, maybe just a little.  I've tried to wrap my mind around this #nofuel that they do.  Obviously they can, I can't.  We all know that works for some doesn't work for all.  While I could have used a teeny bit of fuel, Gu or something, it's not what made a difference in my run.  It was the fluids.  Thank goodness I did have the water that I did.  I actually needed more, but managed ok.

By the end of the run I was toast.  The temps raised about 10 degrees and I had had enough.  I should have worn a hat, they really make a difference!  I should have had ice cold water (I had hurriedly filled them with tap water) & maybe even something to help with the electrolytes.  I am a super heavy sweater.  Seriously didn't have a dry spot on my shirt, it was soaked!

I'm actually really glad to have finished this run.  My body needs to be used to this so that when I run Howl at the Moon in 19 days (eek!) I'm ready for it.  Of course, at Howl I will have many other things to aid my running.  This was kind of a bare minimum run in terms of fluids & no fuel.  It's preparing me for worse case scenario, but not how I'll fare on race day.

Right about my turn around spot while running over I-74, is when I ran my half way mark for 2013.  I'm a few weeks behind schedule, but not worried.  Plenty of days & plenty of miles are in my future to reach this goal!

Do you have a running goal for 2013?  How are you doing on that?

Do you run in the heat?

Hills?  Love them or hate them?

*I used the term hate loosely in this post with humorous jest.  God commands us not to hate one another & I take that to heart. Who am I kidding, though, I'm human and jealously gets the best of me.  Rock hard abs.....meh, they are highly over rated ;)


  1. Always have a yearly miles goal.Used to be 3000 with a best of close to 3700 a couple years in a row. Now I shoot for 2100. I can run in heat the humidity is the tough part. Remember running the track in Muscatine with a group when temp was 100. Good luck with your goal. Is your streak still going?

    1. Streak is still alive! I have no intention of purposefully breaking it.

  2. I don't have a set # of miles as a year goal - my goal is just to keep running and make it through a year without a stress fracture.
    I don't fuel during runs (even super long ones) but I drink water non stop!!!
    I can't wait to hear about your Howl at the Moon race!!!!

    1. I can't wait for Howl myself! I'm ready to get it done!

      Next year I plan to scale down the miles, but keep my streak going.
