Wednesday, September 4, 2013

August Rewind

Well, stink! I had created a vlog for you today, but it doesn't want to load to youtube. Maybe because it has something to do with them changing things up with google/youtube, etc. I don't know. I'm confused, but it's not letting me load the video and when I'm on my channel it tells me I have 0 videos on there. Oh, yes I do!! So I guess that vlog is on hold and I'll continue with my monthly recap.

August was an interesting month with Howl at the Moon (yes, I'm aware that I never posted a race recap) & recovering from it. I still managed to complete 157.50 miles.  Note that I didn't say I ran all those miles, I completed them.  Because yes, some of those miles were walked.  I still managed to walk out the door with exercise in mind and put one foot in front of the other.  In terms of my running streak....well, can I still call it that since I purposefully walked several days this past month?  Should I just start calling it a streak?  Either way I have now streaked 462 days in a row.  This brings my monthly total for Run This Year up to:  1,212.29 miles.  I'm not giving up hope yet.  I'm 800 miles away from reaching my goal.  It's not impossible!!!!

I don't have any plans for racing in September.  Right now I'm focusing on getting & staying strong so I can finish up this year.

Otherwise there is not much happening on the running front.  There is plenty of action on the personal side of things.  Even though it has me going from one thing to the next and keeping me busy I'm enjoying it all.  From time to time it messes up my exercise schedule.  Mostly by making me so tired it's hard to get it all done.  I make adjustments and still make time for exercise even if it's my little 2 miles a day rule.  When I want something, I work my rear off and go after it.

How was your August?

1 comment:

  1. Bummer on the youtube thing - maybe next week!!
    You are amazing with your streak (running/walking - it's all good!).
