Thursday, September 1, 2011


I have put myself on rest for a short period.  A week or so.  No need to get drastic....yet.  That's the point though, to keep from putting into place drastic rest measures.

Remember that widdle bitty race I did?  The one where I ran 38 miles?  Yeah, one would think that I would need or should take some drastic rest after that.  And I did.  I mean 4 days is a LONG time.  Ok, not really.  But I didn't want to come to a dead stop.  I certainly was sore, but aside from that I actually felt really great after Howl at the Moon.  I have my eye set on a fall marathon.  Now is not the time to stop.  I was hoping to use my big surge of miles to keep my miles & long runs up.  I have not registered for this marathon.  Considering there is only a $5 penalty for registering right before the race, I'm willing to hold off & know that I am for sure going to race.  That whole topic of paying/registering for a race could easily be a whole different post.  So I'll stop there.

In my opinion, when you are sore, the best thing you can do is move.  I know it's earth shattering pain to simply stand up or walk up & down stairs.  Keeping still doesn't help though.  You gotta move.  Get that lactic acid build up in your muscles to break up & get it out of your system.  I am the mom, that when my babies got their shots, I gave them a big dose of Tylenol then sat there & massaged the heck out of their painfully knotted muscles.  Sure they screamed & cried, but I could see a big difference in their recovery & soreness from when I did vs. didn't do this.  Break it up!  While I'd certainly opt for a huge deep tissue massage myself, my checkbook does not so I have to do it on my own.  I massage the heck out of my muscles and move, move, move.  Yes, I scream bloody murder, but it does miracles in your recovery time.

All this helped & made it very possible for me to head out on a 5 mile run 4 days after that race.  I felt much better than expected.  I ran a few more times, but then began to feel a twinge in my knee.  I tried to shake it off.  After a run with my good friend Angela, I began to see that yes, I might have an overuse injury knocking at my back door.  Being injured and not run at all is like a death sentence to me.  Fall marathon or not, I still want to run.  Angela helped me see that I needed to take a break.  She might have also threatened me with a big swift kick in the rear if she caught me out running.  That is what a good running friend does.  I love her for it.

My knee was actually beginning to bother me when I wasn't running.  So I took this week off.  I have only lifted weights.  A whole other topic of keeping myself injury free.  And I have done some casual biking with the kids to and from school and about town.  Regular doses of ibuprofen and icing it every night.  I think it's helping a lot.  My true test will be when I go out for a run on Monday or Tuesday.  In theory I want to go out on Monday, but it's a holiday and I will easily hit the snooze button & sleep in because I will more than likely stay up really late on Sunday.  So if Monday fails I will definitely hit the road for a few miles on Tuesday.  Sort of like dipping my toe in the water to see how it feels.  Hopefully I will feel so great I will be able to cannon ball right into the pool of running.  But we'll see, I'm trying to be smart with my body & my training.

Thought I would share this picture of my cutie patootie baby girl who likes to be a runner girl, just like mommy.

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