Friday, April 19, 2013

A little rambling

It's been an unusual week.  There is so much going on in our nation right now and even locally there has been a lot of happenings with 2 kids dying and a massive storm that has flooded our area & wreaked havoc on people in many different ways.  After Monday I went back to putting my blinders on with all the media and non stop talk about Boston and then Waco.  It's not that I don't care.  If anything it's the opposite, I care too much and just can't deal with it all.  I see enough as it is just by being on the internet and facebook.  Even with the latest breaking events I'm not seeking out specific media.  Not turning on the tv or radio.  My heart bleeds enough as it is, no need to add fuel to that fire.

So, I'm doing my best to carry on in my little corner of the world.  Which means the usual normalcy of my life.  Cleaning, cleaning, cleaning.....oh and more cleaning.  I'm kidding, of sorts, although I do clean a lot.  As being echoed all around I refuse to stop my life and live in fear.  Life continues on the best it can.  While emotionally the events of the week have impacted me, in a practical sense it doesn't.  It's reasonable to stop and reflect and give deep thought, but so far I've been extremely fortune that nothing has disrupted my personal life.

My running has been kinda iffy lately.  I guess that's ok.  I should be tapering.  Since I don't follow any kind of plan I just do whatever.  Last Sunday I did get in a long run with my running partner.  We were planning on 20 miles, but I had to stop after 18.5 miles.  Just ran out of time.  I wanted to go to church that morning and I had to bustle home, shower and head to worship God.  It's tough doing a long run on Sundays and I don't like rushing or cramming a run in the morning.  We thought we had plenty of time to get it done, but the wind picked up leaving the last 4ish miles slow and painful.  Add in a slower pace to keep with my RP and her need to add walk breaks.  Oh and the dog that came out, chased us down the road and scared the daylights out of me.  Lots of factors and we just ran short on time.  I still consider it a successful long run, which I almost didn't run until RP reminded me that we should do one.  Oh yeah....good idea.  Sometimes I crack myself up with my lah-te-dah training.  Whatever, it works for me.  So while I want to run more miles right now I'm holding back and fill my time with extra cleaning and what not to pre-occupy myself.  I have a marathon in one week!!!!  Eeek!!

Tomorrow I am racing a local 5k.  So far, every race I have run this year has been a PR for me.  My 5k pr is kind of dated.  2009, I believe was when I set that.  It's currently 21:00 flat.  I race 5ks more frequently than anything else.  Almost every time I toe the line I wonder if I'll have that bust out gliding on air race and just cream that previous time.  I know I sound like a broken record, but my running is better than ever.  Perhaps self evident by my race times so far this year.  I know time is only one indicator of running, but other factors are currently strong and supportive of my training as well.

I don't have time to break out the while pre-race goals.  I promised (baby) Carmen that I would come to her preschool sing along this afternoon.  After that it all hits the fan with kids coming home and my attention being diverted to them.  You may or not have ever noticed, but if I don't get a post done by 3 p.m. or so I don't do one at all for the day.  I don't hold to that 100%, but it's often true.  Anyway, my pre-race goal: break that PR.  I can do it!

Have a great weekend!!  I'll report soon on my 5k that I race tomorrow!!

What are your weekend plans?  Are you racing?

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